Apps and Integrations

Apps and Integrations

Connect applications with Zapier integration

Explore connecting your business tools through Zapier.

Integration FAQs

Integrating with Resource Management is possible through our public API.

Integration comparison

Once you’re ready to integrate a new workflow into Resource Management, you'll figure out which method is right for your needs.

Integrate Resource Management with APIs

Integrating with Resource Management is possible through our public API.

Export to QuickBooks

You can export your data from Resource Management for use in QuickBooks (for PC desktop, only).

Where to find Resource Management API documentation

Developers working with the API will need to review the API documentation for more information....

Enable calendar subscriptions

Calendar subscriptions enable your team to see all their Resource Management assignments on their calendar without a custom API integrati

Workload Tracking with the Resource Management Panel

Unmanaged Resources

Unmanaged Resources are user accounts created for users assigned work via Smartsheet's 

Configure your Resource Management login for Workload Tracking

You must be a Resourcing Admin on Resource Management and a System Admin on Smartsheet to configure Smartsheet Authentication for Resource Management....

Resource Management Panel by Smartsheet

Connect Smartsheet and Resource Management accounts

To use the Smartsheet panel for Resource Management, you must first authorize the connection between Smartsheet and Resource Management.

Connect a project sheet to a Resource Management project

This article is only applicable to users who access Resource Management with email/password or Resource Management SSO.  Begin by ensuring you ha...

Delete or disconnect a sheet from a Resource Management project

There is a best practice to ensure the seamless disconnection of a sheet from a Resource Management project.

Sync Resource Management assignments with Smartsheet

Assignments modified directly in Resource Management automatically update the associated rows in Smartsheet. Certain changes made in

Troubleshooting Resource Management panel sync errors

If there are sync issues between Smartsheet and the Resource Management panel, you may see one of the error messages listed below.

Troubleshoot Resource Management panel connection

If there are connection issues between Resource Management and Smartsheet, try the possible options below to resolve the issues. 

Revoke Resource Management authorization

If you need to change which Resource Management account you're using with the Resource Management panel, you can revoke your current acco