User notifications

Learn how to view and manage notifications in Brandfolder.  

Who can use this?


  • Brandfolder


Owners, Administrators, Collaborators, and Guests will receive notifications.

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

View and Manage Notifications 

  1. Navigate to Hi, [Your Name] in the top right corner and select My Profile
  2. You will be redirected to your profile page. On the left-hand side, you will find options for Notifications and Notification Settings.

Brandfolder Image Brandfolder's My Profile view with the options for Notifications and Notification Settings  


The notifications area allows you to view updates, alerts, and requests for your Brandfolders. The notifications you see in this area depend on your user permission level. The dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner of the page allows you to filter by type.

The notifications in this area are deleted after 90 days. 

Notification Settings

In the notification settings area, users can opt in and out of receiving email notifications. By default, all users are opted into receiving email and in-app notifications.

You can't unsubscribe from in-app notifications. 

The first opt-in and -out option is for marketing news and information sent via email. This is for Brandfolder marketing information, not for your company's marketing team. 

The second opt-in option allows you to customize your email notification preferences for all Brandfolders, Collections, and Workspaces and personalize your notification experience.  

Notification Details

Receiving notifications depends on your user permissions on the resource and any actions you take within it. Brandfolder has 16 notification types. Below are two charts that outline the notification experience. 

Hourly notifications are sent via email and are titled You've Got Notifications! 

Notification type
The recipient will always receiveRecipient IF opted into specific resource notificationsOther recipients not based on user permission
Access Request Owner and Admin 
Invite Accepted Owner and Admin 
Guest (Simple) Password Change Owner and Admin 
Privacy Change Owner and Admin 
Comment Owner, Admin, Collaborator, and Guest 
Attachment Duplication Owner, Admin, and Collaborator 
Asset Will Expire (sent one week before expiration) Owner, Admin, and CollaboratorAsset creator, last person to update the asset, guests (not anonymous) who downloaded the asset
Asset Expiration Owner, Admin, and CollaboratorAsset creator, last person to update the asset, guests (not anonymous) who downloaded the asset
Asset Publish Owner, Admin, and CollaboratorAsset creator, last person to update the asset, guests (not anonymous) who downloaded the asset
Approval of all assets Owner, Admin, and CollaboratorAsset creator, the last person to update the asset
Partial Approval 
For example, when your account requires approval from two admins, but only one has approved
 Owner, Admin, and CollaboratorAsset creator, the last person to update the asset
Unapproval Owner, Admin, and CollaboratorAsset creator, the last person to update the asset
Asset Upload from any user Owner and  Admin 
MessageAdmin specifies permission level  
Share Link Activity Share link creator 
Template Approval Requests Owner, Admin (at Organization and Brandfolder level) 


Weekly notifications that are sent via email titled Updates to your Brandfolder(s) in the past week

Notification Type
Recipient AlwaysRecipient IF opted into resource notificationsOther recipients
Weekly Digest (Org & Brandfolder)Admin and Owner