Dashboard widgets and sharing in the Pro plan

Understand how you can use and share dashboards with a Pro plan. 

Who can use this?


  • Pro


  • Admin
  • Owner
  • Editor—can share

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Individual plans are no longer available for purchase.

For users on a Pro plan, there are specific guidelines for sharing dashboards and using widgets:

  • Collaborators: They can share any individual sheet, report, or dashboard with up to ten people and grant them Editor or Admin access.
  • Dashboard Widgets: You can include up to ten widgets per dashboard. If you attempt to add more widgets, an error message prompts you to upgrade your plan.
  • Viewers: Unlimited viewers are allowed for all Smartsheet items.

If you want collaborators to edit shared items (sheets, reports, or dashboards), they must be licensed users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Members (User Subscription Model) on your Pro plan and have Editor or above permission. To learn more about Smartsheet plans, see the Pricing page.

Share items

This section applies only to plans using the Legacy Collaborator Model.

  • You must have Admin, Owner, or Editor—can share permissions to share items.
  • Sharing with write access is limited to ten collaborators per item.
  • Users who aren't part of the Pro plan have view access only. 
    • In the Legacy Collaborator Model, even if they’re shared as an Editor or an Admin, they must be licensed users on the same plan to make changes to the asset.
    • In the User Subscription Model, sharing as an Editor or an Admin grants provisional access, which provides all Member capabilities. Users can make changes to the asset. 

When you switch to a Pro plan, permissions for people shared to items (sheets, reports, or dashboards) in the plan may change.

You can share items with:

  • Up to ten editors total, but you can have an unlimited number of viewers.
  • External collaborators, who have read-only access regardless of their permission settings since they're not on your plan.

Add external collaborators as Members of your plan if you want to give them edit access.

I’m on an Individual plan now. Should I make the switch to Pro?

This section applies only to plans using the Legacy Collaborator Model. Not sure which model your plan uses? Ask a System Admin if there’s a Manage true-up page in Admin Center. If there is, your plan uses the User Subscription Model. See the User Subscription Model overview article for more information.

Individual plans are no longer available for purchase. To learn more about Smartsheet plans, see the Pricing page

While you consider your options, assess your needs and goals. If you regularly need to share and collaborate with more than ten people or if people outside your plan need to edit your sheets, a Business plan may be the best choice for your growing organization. However, if your team sits inside a larger enterprise, your organization may already be using Smartsheet. You may be able to take advantage of an existing Enterprise plan. 

To find out if there’s already a plan in place at your organization, contact your Sales representative. If you don't have a Sales representative, then contact us.

My access to a sheet has been downgraded to view only. What happened?

The access permissions you have to a sheet or other Smartsheet item depend on the permission level you were granted.

Here are some common reasons your permissions may have changed:

  • Someone changed permissions to the sheet or other item. 
  • Someone moved the sheet to a different workspace, and you don't have access to that workspace.
  • Someone moved the sheet to a different plan, and you don't have access to that workspace.

You can always request access to the item again. The owner may be able to grant you renewed access, depending on their plan and how many people the asset is already shared with.