Confirm or adjust time for other people

You can track time for all paid users on your account.

Who can use this?


  • Resource Management


  • Resourcing Admin
  • Portfolio Editor
  • People Scheduler 

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Track time for other people

  1. From your company page, go to the person's profile whose time you want to track. Or, search for the person using the search bar. 
  2. On the profile page, select Time & Expenses > Time Tracking.
  3. Enter your changes and then select Submit for Approval

If you are a Resourcing Administrator or Project Manager in your account and nothing happens when you select the timesheet, that person is a managed resource, and you cannot track time on their behalf. Visit Account Settings > People to see a list of all licensed Resource Management users, managed resources, and unmanaged resources