In some cases, you may be unable to move an item into or out of a workspace. When you attempt to move the item, you see a circle with a slash, indicating you can't move the item.
Causes for this behavior
Here are some reasons why you can't move items:
- You don't have the correct permissions.
- You're attempting to move an item to an area of Smartsheet that can't host it. For example, you can't drag a sheet into the workspace heading.
How to resolve the issue
To successfully move an item to or from a workspace, ensure you meet the following conditions:
- To create, move, or delete items, you must be the Owner or have Admin-level permissions to the workspace.
- You must be the Owner of any items that you're moving into a workspace.
If you're attempting to move an item from one workspace to another, you need the appropriate permissions in both workspaces.